Formative evaluation of the Child Rights Monitoring System in the Republic of Croatia, UNICEF Croatia
The purpose of the evaluation is to provide a rigorous assessment of the child rights monitoring system in Croatia. The evaluation consultancy started in August 2024 and is still ongoing.
Feasibility study for the project ‘Right to family II – Improving the availability and quality of foster care and community-based services’, SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit Hermann-Gmeiner Fonds Deutschland
Feasibility study of the planned project “Right to family II – Improving the availability and quality of foster care and community-based services”, which will be implemented in five countries – Albania, Armenia, Belarus, North Macedonia and Ukraine. The study started in August 2024 and is still ongoing.
Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy for the project of Eurochild “Leveraging EU influence to deliver change for families in adversity in Bulgaria”
The overall purpose of the evaluation is to collect and analyse data in order to understand the level of achievement of the project short term and long-term effects. The monitoring and evaluation consultancy started in September 2023 and is still ongoing.
Evaluation of Foundation “For our children”’s Early Childhood Development services
The general purpose of the evaluation is to enhance the implementation of FOC’s model for holistic support of early childhood development as well as the impact of FOC’s overall work on children and families, local communities, and society as a whole. The evaluation started in May 2023 and is still ongoing.
Summative evaluation of the Action “EU and UNICEF for Early Childhood Development in Montenegro”
The purpose of the summative evaluation is to analyse the short term and long-term effects (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact). The evaluation started in June 2023 and finished in March 2024.
Analysis of the social services, provided by the Concordia Centre for children and families
The aim is to analyse the social services provided and the degree to which they meet the needs of beneficiaries. The study started in September 2023 and finished in November 2023.
Analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the National Hotline for children, State Agency for Child Protection
The overall purpose of the analysis is to assess the results of the Hotline and to provide recommendation for future development. The research started in September 2023 and ended in October 2023.
Formative Evaluation of the State Programmes for Development of Education with the Focus on Inclusivity, UNICEF Kazakhstan
Assessment of the extent to which the state education programmes in Kazakhstan implemented within the period of 2011-2021 have been contributing to inclusion of children of different levels of ability as well as to examine the enabling conditions and bottlenecks which will require further improvement. The evaluation started in October 2022 and ended in August 2023.
Researching the best frames for communication regarding family separation in Bulgaria, FrameWorks UK
Design, run and analyse a series of focus groups to explore the best frames for communicating about child and family separation. The research has started in August 2022 and ended in January 2023.
Baseline, mid-term and endline assessment on knowledge, attitude, practices and behaviours relating to peer violence among children, Terre des Hommes, Hungary
The aim is to assess the perceptions, knowledge and practices, related to peer violence at school and the challenging of social norms and behaviours in ten schools in Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia, as a result of the changes caused by the Responding to Violence against children in Schools and adjacent settings (REVIS) project of Terre des Hommes, Hungary. The assessment was realised in the period June 2021-March 2023.
Process and outcome evaluation of the advocacy network, TSA
The object of this evaluation is the advocacy network, its development and sustainability, as well as the main results and outcomes of the advocacy project. The aims of the process evaluation are to evaluate the extent to which the 12 CSOs are working as a network and to what extent the activities implemented by the Trust for Social Achievement (TSA) and its support for the CSOs is helping to build the network. The aims of the outcome evaluation are to to explore questions related to the sustainability of the advocacy network and the likelihood that it will continue its work beyond the timeframe of the project and to measure to what extent the short-term and long-term outcomes within each of the advocacy grants are achieved. The evaluation was realised in the period June 2021-March 2023.
Feasibility study of the project ‘Youth Empowerment Enabling Prospects’ in five Western Balkan countries, SOS Children‘s Villages International
Feasibility study of a project, related to youth unemployment in Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Albania. The study has been conducted in the period September – October 2022.
Research for the project ‘Pathways to change’, SOS Children’s Villages Bulgaria
The report contains detailed recommendation of the need for introducing legislative changes and standards supporting young people who have left or are leaving alternative care. The research has started in June 2022 and ended in October 2022.
Final Project Evaluation of the Child Protection Hub for Southeast Europe, Terre des Hommes Hungary
The purpose of this final evaluation of the Child Protection Hub for Southeast Europe is to determine the level of achievement of the expected outcomes from the realisation of the project, the level of sustainability of those results and the relevance to the local needs of the identified target groups. The evaluation is conducted in the perios December 2021 – March 2022 for Terre des hommes Hungary.
Evaluation of the project BODROZI – National response to domestic violence against children, SAPI
The main objective of the project is to optimize the response of the child protection authorities in Bulgaria in cases of domestic violence in which children are involved children, whether as victims or as witnesses. The aim of the evaluation is to determine the degree to which the project has achieved its set objectives, indicators and results and what is the degree of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The aim is to collect analyse data in order to conduct a final evaluation of the results from the project BODROZI, with a focus on the main goals and expected results. The evaluation is conducted in December 2021 for the Social Activities and Practices Institute (SAPI).
Attitudes towards the companies for separate waste collection in Bulgaria and recycling of packaging waste before the PR campaign, BRRA
The aims of the study are to collect information on the attitudes of society towards companies for separate waste collection of packaging waste and recyclers; to identify and analyse the main factors that determine the behaviour of citizens towards recycling packaging waste; to identify the issues, related to the process of recycling packaging waste – level of trust in the system; to identify the level of awareness on the topic; to determine the most preferred sources of information and what type of content people like to see. The research is conducted in the period August – November 2021 for the Bulgarian Recovery and Recycling Association (BRRA).
Research of the impact of social services on local development, EASPD
The goal of this research on the impact of social services on local development is to collect and analyse information about evidence on the different areas of impact of the social services on the economic and employment aspects of local development. The research is conducted in the period May-August 2021 for the European Association of service providers for persons with disabilities (EASPD).
Evaluation of UNICEF Ukraine’s support to the education sector in Ukraine 2018 – 2020
The main objectives of the formative evaluation are accountability and organizational learning in the field of education sector development for the primary purpose of improving UNICEF Ukraine’s Education programme. The evaluation is conducted in the period January – December 2021.
Data collection and analysis on the European campaign for early childhood development ‘First years – first priority’
Collect data and analysis of predefined indicators under categories related to ECD child poverty, maternal child health and nutrition, child safety and security, early learning, parenting and family support as a part of the European Campaign on Early Childhood Development ‘First years First priority’. The research is conducted in the period March – May 2021 for the Trust for Social Achievement.
Development of methodology and implementation of research on policies for nurturing care and ECD services, Trust for Social Achievement
A desk review and analysis is conducted of existing programs and policies, as well as scientific articles (in two separate reports), focused on the following policy areas: access to healthcare services of children aged to 3, pregnant women and mothers; services in support of opportunities for early learning and responsive caregiving; access to services in support of secure and safe environments for children’s development; ECD services in support of adequate nutrition of the pregnant women, breastfeeding women and young children, living below the poverty line. The research is conducted in the period August 2020 – February 2021.
Institutional Consultancy for technical assistance to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and the Institute for Social and Child Protection of Montenegro to review the existing foster care system and accelerate strengthening/expansion of foster care, UNICEF Montenegro
The purpose of this assignment is to revitalize the reform efforts focused on the expansion of foster care services, so that unnecessary institutionalization of children is prevented, and children without parental care are provided with the right to live in a family environment. The focus is on professionalization, emergency fostering and fostering with intnsive support. The research for technical assistance is conducted in the period February 2020 – January 2021.
Problem areas and successful models for coordination and partnership between the educational system and parents of children with special educational needs, who study in centres for special educational needs, Association Parents
The goal of the research is to identify problem areas and successful models for partnership between the educational system and parents of children with special educational needs, who study in centres for special educational support. Based on identified models and practices ae formulated recommendations for improving the cooperation between the educational system and parents, which would lead to improvement of the process of inclusive education. The research is conducted in the period February – July 2020 for Asssociation Parents.
Preliminary study among stakeholders, participating in the planning and implementation of programs, policies and activities in support of Early Childhood Development, Project ‘We care’
The goal of this preliminary study is to: collect and analyse expert opinions regarding existing policies, programs and practices and identify a vision for future strategic changes in the field of health and social services. A main task of the study is to point out what are the tendencies for change at the level of policy planning, regarding mothers and children up to 3 years old, with a focus on the Roma community. The main topics in the study are: health policies, programs, services and activities – current main priorities and changes ahead; social policies, services, interventions, support and other activities – current main priorities and changes ahead; policies regarding the whole well-being of the child – current main priorities and changes ahead; participation of civil organisations in the process of planning and implementing policies. The methodology includes qualitative methods – in-depth interviews with experts in the field. The study is commissioned by the Trust for social achievement in 2019-2020.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the project ‘Change through knowledge’, BAPID
The main objective of the project iss for BAPID to keep developing the approach of supported decision making for people with intellectual disabilities as an alternative of the existing legal mechanisms of guardianship in Bulgaria. The main goal of the evaluation is an assessment of the effectiveness of implementation of the project and more specifically the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and expected impact. The methodology includes desk review, quantitative research of monitoring information through online surveys and qualitative research through in-depth interviews. The evaluation is conducted in the period April – June 2019.
Training Needs Assessment of NGO, participating in the project ‘We care’ of the Trust for social achievement
The main goal of the training needs assessment is to identify key areas for support for NGOs, participating in the project, related to early childhood development and advocacy for the interests of the most vulnerable mothers and children from the Roma communities. The needs assessment is realized through desk review and qualitative research among the majority of the organisations, participating in the project. The assessment is conducted in the period April – June 2019.
Evaluation of the project „Empowering the child’s strengths for violence prevention”, SAPI
The main goal of the evaluation is to assess effects and the results of SAPI’s project „Empowering the child’s strengths for violence prevention” and to identify the main achievements and challenges in project’s implementation. The evaluation’s tasks are related to evaluation of relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the project; assessment of direct project’s impact on children, families, professionals and communities; identification of main contributions of project’s leading organization and partners. The project is implemented in seven countries: Moldova, Latvia, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Albania and Bulgaria. The evaluation is realised in three stages in 2017, 2019 and 2021.
Research in the field of prevention and risk management from national disasters, accidents and catastrophes in particular floods and fires in Montana Region
The main tasks of the research, in terms of its goal, are connected with study and analysis of: the current situation of risk management regarding natural disasters and accidents, in particular floods and forest fires, the models of behaviour of the students and teachers in crisis situations, their level of preparation concerning the way to react in such situations, the level of preparation of students and teachers regarding first aid, principles of volunteering in Bulgaria and teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards volunteering, as well as good practices in other European countries, review and analysis of the degree of cooperation between school institutions, civil protection services, fire safety, Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) and other institutions/organizations relevant to the research topic of the project. The research methodology includes desk review, surveys with students, interviews with teachers and principals. It is commissioned by the Regional development Agency and Business centre 2000, Montana and it is transnational in the sence that it is also translated and replicated in Romania in 2019.
Study of the family expenses for health care for their children
The main goal of the study is to determine how much does health care for children cost for the families and to capture attitudes and practices of parents regarding providing health care for their children. Information is collected through focus groups in the country, in terms of: attitudes and knowledge for finding specialists, factors for choosing a pediatrician, GP, level of satisfaction, medical care, for which parents pay most often, behaviour in emergency situations, practices for diagnosing, vaccination, routine medical examinations, ratio between preventive and reactive help. This study is commissioned by Association Parents in 2019.
Sociological study and creation of a publication for a project for advocacy and support for children and young people between 14 and 29 years old leaving or having left the system of care ‘From care to independence: rights and needs of children and young people between 14 and 29 years old, leaving or having left the system of care in Bulgaria’
The publication is created as a part of a project of SOS Children’s Villages Bulgaria. The main goal of the study is to collect and analyse information in order to present a detailed description of the situation and needs of children and young people over 14 years old, living in or having left the system of alternative care in Bulgaria. The study is conducted in 2018 and the publication is finished in the beginning of 2019. The research tasks include: presenting current quantitative and qualitative information regarding the target groups; analysis of the existing legal framework, as well as its effectiveness; determining the existing problems in the realization of human rights and needs of the target groups; analysis of good practices in Bulgaria and abroad to support the young people to start living independently and reach their potential for individual development; formulate recommendations for changes in the existing legislation and policies to help the target groups.
International Institutional Consultancy to provide Technical Assistance in development of Operational plans for transformation of three institutions for children in the Republic of Northern Macedonia
Realization of technical assistance for the Ministry of social work and labor, financed by UNICEF Macedonia, in order to support the process of deinstitutionalisation in the Republic of Northern Macedonia. The specific tasks included development of operational plans for transformation of three institutions. The first is for children deprived of parental care between 7 and 18 years old, the second is for babies between 0 and 3 years old and the third one is for children with disabilities. The consultancy for technical assistance is conducted in the end of 2018 – beginning of 2019.
Evaluation of Sustainability of ABF 2009-2015 ‘Schools of the Future’ Program
In the period 2009-2015, the ABF “Schools of the Future” program was implemented with the overall aim to create new interactive learning spaces and introduce educational technologies in schools. The program reached 45 schools in 29 locations, around 40,000 students, and invested USD 3.2 million. The objective of this evaluation is to determine how sustainable the projects of these 45 schools are. Several key criteria of sustainability are defined: overall condition of the premises and the equipment, current adequacy of the equipment to the needs of teachers and students, usage of the equipment and/or premises, investments in the maintenance of ABF-supported projects, and launch of new initiatives. All 45 beneficiary schools are included in the study, involving qualitative and quantitative methods in the period September – November 2018.
Impact evaluation of the centre for temporary accommodation of young people between 18 and 35 years old, Foundation ‘Concordia Bulgaria’
The Centre for Temporary Accommodation “Zdravei” implemented by Concordia Bulgaria is a low threshold social service, situated in Sofia, open to young people aged 18 and 35 years in marginalised conditions due to life circumstances (e.g. without a place to live and limited possibilities for social inclusion due to leaving institutions or living in vulnerable marginalised communities). The overall objective of this project is to collect and analyse information regarding the changes and impact on the lives of the beneficiaries as a result of the intervention of CTA (Centre for Temporary Accommodation “Zdravei”) in Bulgaria, in order to better understand Concordia’s contribution to improving the lives of their beneficiaries, families and the wider community. The evaluation is conducted in the period August – November 2018.
National representative study of the attitudes and consumption of fish and fish products
The goal of the research is to outline the profile of the Bulgarian consumer of fish and fish products, the preferences for certain kinds of fish, the factors, which define the choice of one product instead of another, the market potential and user evaluation of the fish market in the country. The research is conducted in 2018 for the Ministry of agriculture and food, in partnership with Strategma Agency.
Analysis of Data from the quantitative Study ‘Changing the Design of Cigarette Packaging’ on the Italian market
The main objectives of the study are to test the perceptions of different design options for Corset and The King cigarette packs, in order to redesign the packages successfully and launch them on the market. The research is conducted in 2018.
Exploration of the attitudes of the Bulgarian population towards the energy sector in the country
National representative survey of public attitudes towards the energy sector conducted in 2018 by D & D Research and Public Relations Agency. The objective of the survey is to identify what are the attitudes of the Bulgarian population towards the energy sector in the country as a whole, which includes current image (positive and negative), perception, familiarity, identification of strengths and weaknesses, as well as attitudes towards certain representatives of the sector – companies / leading figures.
Marketing research of a brand of bottled water
The goal of the research is to get familiar with the attitudes of two types of consumers (owners of restaurants and end users), their attitude towards the brand and the product (liking/disliking, dynamics over time), what they are looking for and what they expect from a brand of water, what does high quality water mean. User segments are identified based on this information, as well as existing barriers and recommendations for dealing with them. The research is conducted in 2017.
Marketing research on the attitudes towards the VW brands
The goal of the researchis to discover what is the in-depth motivation and behaviour of the potential and current owners/drivers of VW, in this way making user segments and positioning the models of VW among the identified segments, regarding the general cultural context in the country, the field of competition and the specific automobile culture of the Bulgarian drivers (the rational and emotional satisfaction of owning/driving a car). The research is conducted in 2017.
Technical assistance for developing models for social services in the Republic of Northern Macedonia
An exhaustive analysis of the system of social services in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, identifying the missing services and strategic plan for developing new services. The project is realised by the request of UNICEF Skopje in 2017.
Evaluation of the training program for continuing professional development of the staff for social protection in the Republic of Northern Macedonia
The main goal of the evaluation of the training program in the Institute for social work is to provide evidence for the impact and results, achieved by the Institute for social work and the training program, to identify the problems and barriers in implementation and give recommendations for future activities. Within the scope of the evaluation is conducted data collection and analysis involving workers in the social protection system, interested parties and beneficiaries of the system. The project is realised by the request of UNICEF Skopje in 2016-2017.
Evaluation of Inclusion Europe
The evaluation of the international organisation for people with intellectual disabilities includes review and analysis of the program of the organisation for the period 2015-2017, regarding the degree to which it satisfied the needs of the target groups, members and interested parties, to what degree the annual goals for 2015 are achieved and what is the probability to achieve the long-term goals. The methods for data collection are desk review, online quantitative survey, in-depth interviews and focus groups. The evaluation is conducted in 2016.
Evaluation and analysis of the activity of the Worldwide orphans foundation for the period 2009 – 2015
The main goal of the evaluation is to improve the implementation of the three programs of the Worldwide orphans foundation: ‘Attachment assistant’, ‘Toy Library’ and ‘Music in motion’. In order to achieve this, the specific goals are to study and assess the activity of the foundation for the period 2009 – 2015, its impact on the children, families, communities and professionals and to formulate recommendations for the activity of the foundation. The evaluation is conducted in 2016.
Evaluation of the alternative services for children with disabilities at the territory of the Republic of Northern Macedonia
The main goal of the evaluation is analysis and mapping out of the existing services for children with disabilities and the degree to which they satisfy the needs of the children, youngsters and families. The process of collection of information is realised by using qualitative and quantitative methods – quantitative study among service providers and state institutions at a local level, in-depth interviews with decision makers and interested parties at a national and local level, focus groups with parents of children and young people with disabilities, observations of the work of services, provided for the target group, from state as well as non-governmental providers. The collected information, including a desk review, is analysed according to the needs of the children and young people with disabilities and their families and a report with recommendations and conclusions is made. The evaluation is conducted for UNICEF Macedonia in 2015.
Research and analysis of the existing practices of social work, difficulties and challenges, as well as the needs for support in the project Child Protection Hub
The main questions, that this research answered, are connected to the real needs of the workers in the child protection system, the existing support for the different participants in the system, what would be effective support, how the existing needs could be satisfied and the effectiveness of the existing models of capacity building, exchange of knowledge and advocacy. The main methods, which are used in the course of fulfilling the task, are data collection through conduction of interviews and focus groups among professionals, specialists and science workers, as well as experts and professionals in the system of child welfare, making a situational analysis of this system, data processing and analysis and creation of a national report. The research and analysis for Bulgaria is conducted in 2015 in partnership with the Bulgarian Know How centre for alternative care in NBU.
External evaluation of the effects from realising the project ‘Deserve childhood’
The program for Early childhood intervention provides services for children, born prematurely, with disabilities or at risk of developing a disability, delay or developmental deviations and their families. The main activities, which are conducted, are development of a design of the evaluation and desk review, collection of information through conducting interviews with professionals and parents of children with disabilities, analysing the information and preparation of a report. The evaluation is made at the request of the Foundation ‘For our children’ in 2014.
External evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of the program for deinstitutionalisation of the institutions for medico-social care in Bulgaria for the period of implementation of the project ‘Strategic deinstitutionalisation and reform for children under 3 years old in Bulgaria’ for ‘Hope and homes for children – Bulgaria’
The program includes a number of activities and participants for providing a secure, family-oriented care for vulnerable groups of children, including children with disabilities in 8 areas of the country. The main activities, which are conducted, are development of a design of the evaluation and desk review; collection of information through conduction of interviews and focus groups, analysis of the information and development of a report. The evaluation is conducted together with a team of experts from the Know how centre for alternative care in NBU in 2014.
Marketing research among potential corporate donors
The main goal is research and identification of international, national and local companies, which are operating in the North-eastern region and would turn into corporate donors for the cause of the “Naia” association – supporting victims of domestic abuse.
Research of the attitudes and segmentation research among users of courier services in Bulgaria
The main goal is to develop a marketing strategy for one of the leading courier companies in Bulgaria and Romania. In 2012 and 2014 is conducted a complex tracking study (qualitative and quantitative) among the main target groups – individual and business users, as well as employees at leading and executive positions in the company. The tasks of the Junction team are management and organisation of the project, analysis of the collected data, segmentation and assessment of the size of the market of courier services in Bulgaria, preparing a final report. The project is developed in partnership with the consultancy company Star Performing – Romania.
Sociological research of 30 social enterprises in Bulgaria
Research, qualitative analysis of results from the study, report and presentation of the project BG051PO001-7.0.07-0199-C0001 – ‘Partnership for social enterprises in Bulgaria’. The research is realised in the end 2013 – beginning of 2014, ordered by BCAF.
Research of the tourist market for making a tourist strategy and detailed marketing plan for development of tourism in the municipality of Plovdiv
The goal of the project is to develop an innovative tourist strategy for Plovdiv and a marketing plan for its implementation. The task of Junction is to realise an in-depth study of the local tourist market and participate in the analysis of the current tendencies on a local and international level. The warrantor is the municipality of Plovdiv in 2013.
Interim evaluation of the results from the implementation of the National strategy for the child 2008 – 2018
The main goal is to evaluate the implementation of the National strategy for a period of 3 years (2008 – 2010), the changes in the conditions and area in its socially-economic and political aspects, in order to achieve a better understanding and analysis of the achieved results and progress towards a long-term impact. The achievements of the strategy are evaluated according to the criteria relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and usefulness. Based on the conclusions and recommendations in the evaluation report, SACP formulated concrete suggestions for updating the strategy. The evaluation is conducted in 2012 by the Consortium ESTAT – Junction Bulgaria by the request of the State Agency for Child Protection.
Research‚ Attitudes of the local communities in Zlatitsa and Pirdop towards Aurubis
The goal of the research is to register objectively the attitudes of the population of Pirdop and Zlatitsa towards Aurubis. The tasks of Junction included conducting a qualitative and quantitative study, analysis of the results, making a report and presentation. The research is realised in 2012, ordered by Aurubis.
Research of the attitudes towards the products for plant protection and segmentation study among farmers – grain producers from the database of BASF
The main goal of the research is to register the behaviour and attitudes of middle and big grain producers towards the products for plant protection, offered on the Bulgarian market. In addition to that, a specific task is to conduct a segmentation study of this group, by highlighting the types of grain producers. The research is conducted in 2012, ordered by the advertising agency R&I Advertising.
Psycho-diagnostic research, evaluation of the market situation, development of concepts for strategic re-positioning
The main goal is development of alternative concepts for strategic re-positioning of Globul in order to maximise the effect of the favourable market situation in 2011. The service is ordered by Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile in 2011.
Marketing research ‘Attitudes and usage of products for domestic care’
This marketing study aims to research in-depth the habits and attitudes of the users of cleaning detergents in Bulgaria and Romania. The research project consists of a qualitative and quantitative study of the target group of users of cleaning detergents in Bulgaria and Romania. The team of Junction has created a report for Bulgaria and taken part in the analysis and preparation of the final report for Bulgaria and Romania. The project is realised in partnership with the research agency ‘360insights’, Romania, in 2011.
Research ‘Review of the literature, connected with programs and strategies for prevention of abandonment in Bulgaria’
The main goal is to reflect objectively the situation in the country regarding abandonment of children, their separation from their biological families and entering the social care system. The specific goals are determining the factors for abandoning children in Bulgaria, creting an exhaustive list of the programs and strategies, which aim to reduce abandonment of children; differentiation and analysis of the bad practices; analysis of the functioning (or functioned) good practices at a local and national level; formulating criteria (indicators) for the effectiveness of a certain practice. The research is conducted for the For Our Children Foundation in 2011.